By using the coupon code VILLIGEROBSESSION in your shopping cart you'll receive this 20-cigar sampler for 72% off retail price, now just $39.99 with FREE SHIPPING on your entire order! Villiger ‘Dream Team 2’ Monster Deal Sampler includes: 5 - Villiger 125 Habano Robusto (5 x 50) 5 - Villiger Cabarete Robusto (5 x 50) 5 - Villiger Selecto Connecticut Robusto (5 x 50) 5 - Villiger Trill Robusto (5 x 50) Save 72% off MSRP Save over $102 off MSRP $1.99 per cigar Valid only from 9/16/2020 - 9/30/2020