Thank you all for participating live, we set a new record with over 600 total people viewing! Because I screwed up and forgot to plug in the laptop, it ran out of juice a little over an hour in to the show, so I had to restart it with a Part 2. For some reason YouTube wouldn’t continue the stream so I had no choice. Live and learn, I won’t make that mistake twice 😉
Below are the videos, we had a TON of great info from Michael, awesome giveaways and a lot of fun! Even with the interruption it was a great 2 hour show! If anyone has suggestions for doing a better giveaway live I would love to hear suggestions. Bear in mind it has to be fun, fast and easy. Something that can be done on the fly, not flood the comments with useless chatter, and give everyone a chance to play that wants to. I know the pick-a-number isn’t perfect but it’s the best compromise I can come up with for now after going over a lot of other options.